I’m sitting at a McDonald’s in Woodstock, VA listening to the sounds of two of my grandchildren playing with their mom in the play area. It’s around 8pm and we’re really far behind on the schedule that we had set for the day. My daughter, Zipporah, and I are on our way up to see my mom in CT. I only get to see her once a year, and I try to plan the trip to spend her birthday with her. Normally I do the 12 hour (one way) drive by myself, but this time I’m blessed to have one of my children and two grandchildren with me.
We’re hauling a heavy load, including a bunch of stuff strapped to the roof of my overburdened Kia Sephia. We left Roanoke at 4pm and had to stop three times because of the roof load. Finally gave in and bought a couple big ratchet straps and now the load is fine. Kia Sephias are not meant to have stuff strapped on top…hence no built in luggage racks. I snagged the one bar from on top of Troy’s truck and stuck it on top of my car. Everything’s lashed to it.
Our destination tonight is Aleena and Ali’s in Yonkers…an 8 hour, 400-ish mile drive. We’ve done only 140 or so miles of that. Still a looong drive yet. The kids have been good, and since the roof issue has been fixed it’s been an enjoyable ride.
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