A continuation of Sandi’s Live Blogging from the Washington, DC Victory Campaign in Woodbridge, VA.
DISCLAIMER: Remember, this is MY INTERPRETATION of what I’m hearing. For the actual meeting audio go to Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ website to listen On Demand to the service for free. Click on the Media tab. Or go to Believer’s Voice of Victory TV for live or replay streaming of Bro. Copeland’s services.
Jesus didn’t go into hell “believing” that He’d be raised from the dead in 3 days…He “KNEW” it!
The power that raised Jesus from the dead…that defeated all of death, hell, and the grave and paid the penalty for every sin we’ll ever create through just one man, Jesus…that same power DWELLS IN US!!!!! Why aren’t we walking in the authority and victory that are OURS!!!
Daniel, praying in Babylon (that confusion system), had to wait 21 days for that angel to get through… because the Holy Spirit wasn’t fully loosed upon the earth yet. That happened in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost. The angels couldn’t operate the way they do today. That mighty rushing wind may have been 2/3 of heaven pouring out upon the earth to take their places as the Word says in Hebrews 1:14, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”
What are we doing to allow them to minister for us? Are we speaking faith or confusion? “Well, now, every year I get the flu, Bro. Copeland. I can’t even plan a vacation during that time of the year ’cause we’re always sick.” Your angel is standing there going, “Did he say he wants to be sick every year at this time?”
(Speaking of angels, some people are waiting to see an angels to make them believe, when in actuality seeing an angel would rob them of their faith…then their faith would be tied to seeing an angel. God’s not going to do anything that’s going to rob you of your faith…You see an angel and you’ll go off and start an “angel religion” and have everyone going around looking for angels rather than having faith in the living God!)
We cannot put our trust in ANYTHING BUT the WORD OF GOD!!!!!!! I am blessed by GOD! When we are trusting in God and His Word, then the blessing of God can manifest in your life!
Take those “illegal” thoughts and put them into captivity. Get your, “yeah, but,” out of the way! Stop thinking that your thoughts and feelings are more trustworthy than the Word of God. Don’t be like Thomas, who had had more faith in what his fingers touched and his eyes saw than what he’d heard from Jesus for 3-1/2 years! John 20:29,
Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.“!!!!!!!!!!! [Emphasis Mine]
You need to be saying, “I’m blessed! The blessing of Abraham is operating in me now! God loves me!”
I will obey the Word of God! Father, Your will be done in my life as it is in heaven!
Daniel in Babylon got a picture of the Babylonian system (confusion) and how that it could not stand. It still won’t stand today. Stand in the healing line and get healed, but then lose your healing the next day…”Well, I guess Bro. Copeland lost his healing anointing.”
It’s not the world and other people that are our problem, it’s our mouth –> Change you. Get rid of the fear. Believe only. And you will be made whole!
Well, that’s what God spoke to ME through Bro. Copeland’s message this morning. Again, understand, it’s not necessarily word for word, but what the Spirit spoke to me. NOW, go and listen to or watch the service for free online at your convenience by going to Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ website to listen On Demand to the service for free. Click on the Media tab. Or go to Believer’s Voice of Victory TV for live or replay streaming of Bro. Copeland’s services.
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