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Pictures from Lifestyle of Wandering: Reflections of a Wanderer

Lifestyle of Wandering: Reflections of a Wanderer

β€œNot all who wander are lost” ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

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Oct '09

On the road to Connecticut by way of Yonkers

I’m sitting at a McDonald’s in Woodstock, VA listening to the sounds of two of my grandchildren playing with their mom in the play area. It’s around 8pm and we’re really far behind on the schedule that we had set for the day. My daughter, Zipporah, and I are on our way up to see my mom in CT. I only get to see her once a year, and I try to plan the trip to spend her birthday with her. Normally I do the 12 hour (one way) drive by myself, but this time I’m blessed to have one of my children and two grandchildren with me.

We’re hauling a heavy load, including a bunch of stuff strapped to the roof of my overburdened Kia Sephia. We left Roanoke at 4pm and had to stop three times because of the roof load. Finally gave in and bought a couple big ratchet straps and now the load is fine. Kia Sephias are not meant to have stuff strapped on top…hence no built in luggage racks. I snagged the one bar from on top of Troy’s truck and stuck it on top of my car. Everything’s lashed to it.

Our destination tonight is Aleena and Ali’s in Yonkers…an 8 hour, 400-ish mile drive. We’ve done only 140 or so miles of that. Still a looong drive yet. The kids have been good, and since the roof issue has been fixed it’s been an enjoyable ride.

We’ll be posting more soon. We’ve got lots of stuff on the itinerary including a sunset stroll across the Brooklyn Bridge.

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May '09

A Short Update

Don’t laugh, it will be short! I haven’t posted anything since January so I want to give a quick rundown on What’s Up With The Birds…

Troy is running for House of Delegates in Virginia’s District 11 (Roanoke City & the City of Vinton).

Rachael completed her CNA training and is awaiting her State Boards this month.

Jed’s working for the US Census Bureau.

Zipporah’s first real music video, “No, No, No,” was completed a couple months ago. You can find it on YouTube by searching for “Zipporah Bird music video”.

I’m preparing for my next mission trip to Uganda July 28-August 17, 2009.

All five of my grandbabies are wonderful and a blessing.

South of Sanity plays at Icthus Fest in Kentucky on June 13th, 2009 and will be in a big Battle of the Bands in Knoxville, TN the last week of May.

More later!

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Jan '09

Night Hike to MacAfee’s Knob

A couple nights ago Jed and I decided to do a night hike up to McAfee’s Knob. We hadn’t had any mother-son time in a while, and my days are usually pretty full. The weather was, of course, cold, but we decided that it was worth it to have some quality time together.

Now, Jed is not normally a talkative person (unless the topic is Alien Assault or World of Warcraft), but surprisingly most of the way up to the top Jed kept the conversation going with some really cool facts about the Cold War, Germany, Russia, and so forth. I was never a History buff in school, and have long regretted that fact. So now I actually do enjoy reading and hearing about historical events. The information Jed shared was pretty interesting, and I feel like I learned more in the 1-3/4 hour hike to the top than I would have in several weeks of school classes!

We took the Fire Road up from Hwy 311 to where the Appalachian Trail crosses it. There had been a trail re-lo since the last time I’d been to MacAfee’s, so the new trail was totally unfamiliar to me. I was pleasantly surprised though, in that the grade of the trail was easier than the original, and we reached the top fairly quickly.

God blessed us with a relatively warm pocket of air at the top and we lay down on the rocks for a while and watched the clouds blow by while we talked some more. The trip back to the car went by quickly due to more good conversation, and we got back to the car less than 4 hours after heading out. Not bad for a 7 mile hike that included an attempt at night-time photos and a 20 minute rest at the top.

I’m so grateful for the kids that God’s blessed me with. They are all grown, but they all find time to spend with Mom…without me having to beg them to do so… In fact, it’s usually them calling me saying, “Haven’t seen you in a while, Mom. You ever gonna come over and see us?”

Thanks, Jed, for joining me on the hike! I enjoyed it tremendously, and am looking forward to our next outing!

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Jan '09

A New Political Blog…

I’ve been meaning to start a new blog in which I can share my thoughts on politics. It seems fitting, being the president of the Roanoke Valley Republican Women and being active in grassroots efforts to promote the conservative values to which I adhere.

Well, I finally launched the new blog! It’s called A Bird’s-Eye View On Politics, and you can find it at: http://birdseyeviewonpolitics.blogspot.com. Check out my first post on the Sanctity of Human Life and the 2009 March For Life Rally that I attended yesterday in Washington, DC.

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Jan '09

Reflections From A Night Hike On The Appalachian Trail…

I just got done with a 5 mile round trip night hike. [For my blog post on the Leadership Lessons God showed me from this hike go to my business blog.] It was such a pretty day Saturday, and I just wanted to get outdoors. I was originally going to walk somewhere in town, but after my attempt at finding a walking partner failed, I considered an actual hike. At first I thought about the trail up on Mill Mountain. But as it was already late in the day, and I hadn’t hiked that trail in years, I decided to do a more familiar one.

There’s a really nice hike along the Appalachian Trail from Black Horse Gap to Wilson Creek Shelter. I decided upon it, as I’d done that section within the last couple years. During berry season it is a hiker’s dream! But this is not berry season. I thought it was a 2 miles hike each way, but I found out when I got there that it was 2.5 miles to the shelter. Poor memory or trail re-lo’s, I’m not sure…but it’s still a great section.

While it isn’t berry season, it is the season where the trail is COVERED with leaves for long stretches. DEEP leaves. And, while hiking along an 18-inch wide trail on the side of a mountain carries with it a certain amount of risk anyway, when you add calf+ deep leaves and night time it adds an extra dose of “excitement” to the mix.

OK, so traversing said 18-inch wide path while “cross-country skiing” through deep leaves in the dark is probably not of interest to most of the people I know. Maybe that’s why I have a hard time getting hiking companions… πŸ˜‰

When I realized that there was heavy “leaf-fall” on the ground it made me think back to March of 2000 when I had a bad fall on the AT while solo-hiking and spent an extra night out on the trail, because I couldn’t put any weight on my one ankle. I thought I’d broken it, but it was only a bad sprain. My second night out I had to sleep on that lovely 18-inch wide trail somewhere between Tinker Cliff and Cloverdale/Daleville with my back against a rock and my legs dangling over the side of the mountain…I’d learned a valuable lesson on that hike – don’t hike through deep leaves on a steep descent without paying attention to your footing. I have to admit, deep leaves on the trail still cause a little unease.

But with my new “cross-country skiing” leaf-technique, I managed to travel the 2.5 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway to Wilson Creek Shelter without incident. It took me a LOT longer than normal – 1 hour 20 minutes. But slow and safe is better than fast and falling down the mountain. (Oh, yeah, been there, done that before too…in the rain and fog at night on a never-before-hiked-by-me trail…and, of course, by myself! You’ve never lived until you’ve clawed your way up a mountainside in the rain, mud and dark with a 45-pound pack on your back…)

I thought I’d still had my hiking poles in the trunk, but much to my dismay they weren’t there…so I promptly found this little stick whose sole purpose was to make sure there was actually solid ground underneath the leaves before I attempted to plant my weight there. I figured that was a pretty good thing to do! LOL!

Each bend of the mountainside gave me a different view of the valley below. The distant lights twinkled a happy greeting to anyone blessed enough to be on the trail at that moment. The sky was clear. The air was crisp and clean, and only the occassional call of an owl broke the stillness of the night. My only regret at times like that is not having someone special to share those moments with…being single is wonderful most of the time, but… I guess that’s one reason I love to blog. It gives me some hope of maybe even one person catching the same sense of wonder and excitement that I feel during times like this.

When I got to the Shelter I set up my trusty Whisperlite International 600 backpacking stove. I’ve had it since 1998, and it has been very dependable. I’d planned my meal based on the HCG Diet that I’m on, so I poured the bag of shredded cabbage in one cookpot and browned the Laura’s Lean Hamburger in another. After adding the container of seasonings I’d prepared ahead of time to the meat, it all got dumped into the pot with the cabbage. Within just moments I had a BIG steaming hot bowl of Cabbage Beef Soup in front of me…all 240 calories worth! I love this diet! I get totally stuffed on massive quantities of food…all for less than 500 calories a day.

After my yummy meal, I spent some time in prayer and Bible study. Then I pulled out my trusty laptop…YES, I brought my laptop on the night hike! Did I hear you call me a Geek?! I resemble that remark! I worked on the report that I have to have turned in from the Health Care Community Discussion last Sunday until my laptop battery died. I was actually going to video blog a few minutes while sitting there at the shelter, but didn’t get a chance to. πŸ™ (Yes I brought my webcam with me too!)

I wanted to make a short entry in the Shelter Register before leaving. (The register is simply a notebook where people who pass through can write their thoughts, shout to other hikers, etc. The person who leaves a new notebook usually puts their address on the cover, so whoever fills in the last page and leaves a new notebook can send it to them.) I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened to the first page to see who’d been through lately…Rockfish & Turtle, whom I’d hiked with on my attempted thru-hike in 1999, had been through on November 4th! Oh how I wish I’d known they were in the area! (Turtle is actually a small stuffed turtle. My hiking companion that year was Mouse, a small, stuffed, green dinosaur…Mouse & Turtle got along well!) Oh well, maybe this year I’ll get down to Trail Days or over to The Gathering and catch up with old friends.

Anyway, the temperature dropped dramatically while I was sitting there at the shelter, and I was glad to get back on the trail to head for the car. I was really glad I’d brought an extra fleece shirt, but was missing my polypro long underwear! πŸ™‚ The 1-1/2 hour hike back (where did all of those UPHILL sections come from on the way back?) warmed me up nicely, and I arrived back to the car without incident. It was a great night, and I’m so glad I went.

I know there are those of you who are shaking your heads as you read this…most of my friends do that too. Life is a gift from God to be lived to the fullest. I’ve never wanted to get to the end of it with dreams still left unfollowed and years worth of regrets over things left undone. There is an element of risk in almost anything we do…just hop in your car and pull onto your nearest freeway or try being a student at your local high school or university! And statistically more people die in car accidents within a couple miles of home than do anywhere else. Yet that doesn’t stop us from piling into the car to head to work, the grocery store, or wherever. So until that time when I go home to be with my precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I’ll continue to follow my dreams along whatever precarious paths they may lead me. I live my life to the fullest with No Regrets! And I hope that sharing my journeying will inspire you to do that too!

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Nov '08

Stop feeding your spirit with Confusion

The news media is in the business of selling confusion to the “Babylonians”…if it’s not confused from what the Word says, they can’t sell it! We can’t buy into that way of thinking. We can’t feed our spirit with confusion when we need to be building Faith!

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Nov '08

Kenneth Copeland Victory Campaign, 9:30 AM Session Continued – Part 4

A continuation of Sandi’s Live Blogging from the Washington, DC Victory Campaign in Woodbridge, VA.

DISCLAIMER: Remember, this is MY INTERPRETATION of what I’m hearing. For the actual meeting audio go to Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ website to listen On Demand to the service for free. Click on the Media tab. Or go to Believer’s Voice of Victory TV for live or replay streaming of Bro. Copeland’s services.

Jesus didn’t go into hell “believing” that He’d be raised from the dead in 3 days…He “KNEW” it!

The power that raised Jesus from the dead…that defeated all of death, hell, and the grave and paid the penalty for every sin we’ll ever create through just one man, Jesus…that same power DWELLS IN US!!!!! Why aren’t we walking in the authority and victory that are OURS!!!

Daniel, praying in Babylon (that confusion system), had to wait 21 days for that angel to get through… because the Holy Spirit wasn’t fully loosed upon the earth yet. That happened in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost. The angels couldn’t operate the way they do today. That mighty rushing wind may have been 2/3 of heaven pouring out upon the earth to take their places as the Word says in Hebrews 1:14, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”

What are we doing to allow them to minister for us? Are we speaking faith or confusion? “Well, now, every year I get the flu, Bro. Copeland. I can’t even plan a vacation during that time of the year ’cause we’re always sick.” Your angel is standing there going, “Did he say he wants to be sick every year at this time?”

(Speaking of angels, some people are waiting to see an angels to make them believe, when in actuality seeing an angel would rob them of their faith…then their faith would be tied to seeing an angel. God’s not going to do anything that’s going to rob you of your faith…You see an angel and you’ll go off and start an “angel religion” and have everyone going around looking for angels rather than having faith in the living God!)

We cannot put our trust in ANYTHING BUT the WORD OF GOD!!!!!!! I am blessed by GOD! When we are trusting in God and His Word, then the blessing of God can manifest in your life!

Take those “illegal” thoughts and put them into captivity. Get your, “yeah, but,” out of the way! Stop thinking that your thoughts and feelings are more trustworthy than the Word of God. Don’t be like Thomas, who had had more faith in what his fingers touched and his eyes saw than what he’d heard from Jesus for 3-1/2 years! John 20:29,

Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.“!!!!!!!!!!! [Emphasis Mine]

You need to be saying, “I’m blessed! The blessing of Abraham is operating in me now! God loves me!”

I will obey the Word of God! Father, Your will be done in my life as it is in heaven!

Daniel in Babylon got a picture of the Babylonian system (confusion) and how that it could not stand. It still won’t stand today. Stand in the healing line and get healed, but then lose your healing the next day…”Well, I guess Bro. Copeland lost his healing anointing.”

It’s not the world and other people that are our problem, it’s our mouth –> Change you. Get rid of the fear. Believe only. And you will be made whole!

Well, that’s what God spoke to ME through Bro. Copeland’s message this morning. Again, understand, it’s not necessarily word for word, but what the Spirit spoke to me. NOW, go and listen to or watch the service for free online at your convenience by going to Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ website to listen On Demand to the service for free. Click on the Media tab. Or go to Believer’s Voice of Victory TV for live or replay streaming of Bro. Copeland’s services.

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Nov '08

KCM VC Nugget

Jesus didn’t go into hell “believing” that He’d be raised from the dead in 3 days…He “KNEW” it!

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Nov '08

Kenneth Copeland Victory Campaign, 9:30 AM Session Continued – Part 3

Part 3 of Sandi’s Live Blogging from the Washington, DC Victory Campaign in Woodbridge, VA.

DISCLAIMER: Remember, this is MY INTERPRETATION of what I’m hearing. For the actual meeting audio go to Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ website to listen On Demand to the service for free. Click on the Media tab. Or go to Believer’s Voice of Victory TV for live or replay streaming of Bro. Copeland’s services.

Homework Assignment:
Go to John 13:31-John 17. Read straight through without looking at the ch/vs numbers and let it impact you…
Anchor Verse for the conference: John 16:13

Christianity is not an “-Ism” it is the reality of God and His family.

“Faith as a grain of mustard seed…” (Matthew 17:20, Luke 17:6) It doesn’t say “faith the size of a mustard seed…” It’s the POTENTIAL in the mustard seed, not the size. And when that mustard seed reaches it’s potential, it can house a thousands of birds, produce a large area of shade, and produce food…all from the POTENTIAL in that seed.

Back to the tower of Babel. At Babel, God confused their ability to communicate and imagine…He capped their potential to create. But He also spread the seed that produced all the languages we know now…

Confusion doesn’t understand that it’s killing itself, because it doesn’t understand the power of its words! What my spirit tried to do that got left undone leaves my spirit unfulfilled or disappointed. When we exercise our love, it gets stronger and stronger. Our Spiritual Food is the Word of God.

Fear. God can look at our heart and know what we mean…satan can’t do that. he’s a legalist and can only take our words that we speak and try to shove them back down our throats…”Are you going to church tonight?” “No, Brother Copeland, I’m afraid not.” he’ll take that word, “afraid”, and look it up in the dictionary and throw it right back at you!

We need to be speaking God’s language, the language of faith! We have to stop putting our faith in money, political signs, the government, etc. We have to put our faith in God and our ability to CHANGE those things by prayer! Making people totally dependent upon any thing other than God, makes them a slave to that thing…look at the welfare system and how it has enslaved people.

Everything that happens is the church’s fault. If our country fails, it is the church’s fault. If our country succeeds, it is the church’s blessing. The angels of God take their orders from US, and if we are speaking doubt and fear and mixed commands, they are in confusion and cannot go forth and effectively operate to bring the plan of God into fulfillment.

More in next post…

Nov '08

Kenneth Copeland Victory Campaign, 9:30 AM Session Continued – Part 2

Live Blogging from the Washington, DC Victory Campaign in Woodbridge, VA.

DISCLAIMER: Remember, this is MY INTERPRETATION of what I’m hearing. For the actual meeting audio go to Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ website to listen On Demand to the service for free. Click on the Media tab. Or go to Believer’s Voice of Victory TV for live or replay streaming of Bro. Copeland’s services.

Homework Assignment: Go to John 13:31-John 17. Read straight through without looking at the ch/vs numbers and let it impact you…
Anchor Verse for the conference: John 16:13

He needs MY mouth to BLESS instead of Curse!
Military Analogy: Why is it so vital to learn the correct terminology when you are in the military? Because when that commander is formulating a strategy to WIN the battle for his side and needs to relay it to 1500 soldiers, he needs everyone to be on the same page. When he says, “pick up the rifle,” you better know “rifle” not just “gun” so you pick up the correct weapon. He doesn’t have time to explain what he means to everyone who comes from a different background than his. Everyone being “on the same page” is crucial to them operating as a well-oiled team. We need to think the same thoughts based on the same words! Example: fixin’. Some people may think “repair”. Bro. Copeland is thinking “about to…” As in, “I’m fixin’ to go home!”

For the Church, we have to come to Our Common Standard, which is the Word of God! And we need to understand it…get a Greek/Hebrew Lexicon!

Babel example: Once God confused the language during the construction of the tower of Babel the people were not able to be on the same page…they couldn’t get anything done, and the construction project had to be left unfinished.

If the body of Christ would all get on the same page…imagine what we could accomplish…Look at Genesis 11:6

6And the LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them…”

Everything you do and everything you say gets a response!

Here’s MY VERSION of Genesis 11:6…

6And the LORD said, “Indeed the body of Christ is one and they all have MY language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them…”

More in next Blog Post in a few minutes…

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