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Pictures from Lifestyle of Wandering: Reflections of a Wanderer

Lifestyle of Wandering: Reflections of a Wanderer

“Not all who wander are lost” ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

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Jun '13

Moved by a movie…

Film makers wield a powerful weapon that, used properly, can positively impact people’s lives. One such film maker, Australian businessman Joe Cross, has produced a documentary film that touched me in a way few movies ever have. After exhausting conventional medical routes to help him lose weight and deal with a debilitating auto-immune disease that required heavy steroid treatment, the then 310-pound Cross made a radical decision to turn to juicing for help.  The film, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, documents Joe’s own journey back to health, through the use of a 60 day juice fast, that rewarded him with a 100-pound weight loss, restored health and the ability to come off of all prescription medication. And in the process Joe set out to help others change their lives as well.

It is this movie that had me in tears as I watched Joe journey across America, changing both his own and other people’s lives all along the way. One such life was that of a 40-something truck driver named Phil who’d topped the scales at 425. Joe’s challenge was simple: Here’s my phone number. If you get to the place where you’re ready to make some changes, call me. I’ll fly back from Australia to help you out. Phil broke down and called for help, and viewers were treated to an inside look at Phil’s transformation from 425-pounds to 205-pounds. The cycle continues with Phil, in turn, helping others to regain their health and their lives.

The movie impacted me strongly enough to start a juice fast the very next day…today. Join me as I make this journey. My last couple weights at the doctor’s office were 279- and 281-pounds. I feel miserable. My clothes are so tight I’m concerned I may need to go out and buy some new ones. I look at myself in the mirror and wonder how I’ve once again allowed myself to get so big. I’m committing to a 10-day fast at this point. I KNOW I can do 10 days. My goal is the 60 day fast. I will be both blogging and vlogging my progress, so keep visiting for updates. My hope is that my success will inspire others in their own journey back to health.


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